schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter module

Functions and classes for plotting enrichment job outputs. e.g. basic Sensitivity v 1-Specificity plots, etc.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter.calc_sensitivity_with_fraction(total_actives, total_ligands, active_ranks, fraction_of_screen)

Calculates sensitivity at a particular fraction of screen.

  • total_actives (int) – The number of all active ligands in the screen, ranked and unranked.
  • total_ligands (int) – The number of the total number of ligands (actives and unknowns/decoys) used in the screen.
  • active_ranks (list(int)) – List of unadjusted integer ranks for the actives found in the screen. For example, a screen result that placed three actives as the first three ranks has an active_ranks list of = [1, 2, 3].
  • fraction_of_screen (float) – Fraction of screen at which to calculate the specificity.

Sensitivity of the screen at a given fraction of screen.

Return type:


schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter.calc_sensitivity_with_rank(total_actives, active_ranks, rank)
Calculates sensitivity at a particular rank, defined as:
Se(rank) = found_actives / total_actives
  • total_actives (int) – The number of all active ligands in the screen, ranked and unranked.
  • active_ranks (list(int)) – List of unadjusted integer ranks for the actives found in the screen. For example, a screen result that placed three actives as the first three ranks has an active_ranks list of = [1, 2, 3].
  • rank (int) – Active rank at which to calculate the specificity.

Sensitivity of the screen at a given rank.

Return type:


schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter.calc_specificity_with_rank(total_actives, total_ligands, active_ranks, rank)
Calculates specificity at a particular rank, defined as:
Sp(rank) = discarded_decoys / total_decoys
  • total_actives (int) – The number of all active ligands in the screen, ranked and unranked.
  • total_ligands (int) – The number of the total number of ligands (actives and unknowns/decoys) used in the screen.
  • active_ranks (list(int)) – List of unadjusted integer ranks for the actives found in the screen. For example, a screen result that placed three actives as the first three ranks has an active_ranks list of = [1, 2, 3].
  • rank (int) – Active rank at which to calculate the specificity.

Specificity of the screen at a given rank.

Return type:


schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter.get_percent_screen_curve_points(total_actives, total_ligands, active_ranks)
  • total_actives (int) – The number of all active ligands in the screen, ranked and unranked.
  • total_ligands (int) – The number of the total number of ligands (actives and unknowns/decoys) used in the screen.
  • active_ranks (list(int)) – List of unadjusted integer ranks for the actives found in the screen. For example, a screen result that placed three actives as the first three ranks has an active_ranks list of = [1, 2, 3].

List of (%Screen, %Actives Found) tuples for the active ranks.

schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter.get_plot_data(total_actives, total_ligands, active_ranks, title_ranks)
  • total_actives (int) – The number of all active ligands in the screen, ranked and unranked.
  • total_ligands (int) – The number of the total number of ligands (actives and unknowns/decoys) used in the screen.
  • active_ranks (list(int)) – List of unadjusted integer ranks for the actives found in the screen. For example, a screen result that placed three actives as the first three ranks has an active_ranks list of = [1, 2, 3].

A list of active Title, Rank, Sensitivity, Specificity, %Actives Found, %Screen tuples.

Return type:



This function should only be accessed via Calculator unless we figured how to get title_ranks without an additional O(n) work.


This list may grow, but the relative order of the columns should remain fixed.

schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter.get_roc_curve_points(total_actives, total_ligands, active_ranks)

Calculates set of points in ROC curve along each active rank.

  • total_actives (int) – The number of all active ligands in the screen, ranked and unranked.
  • total_ligands (int) – The number of the total number of ligands (actives and unknowns/decoys) used in the screen.
  • active_ranks (list(int)) – List of unadjusted integer ranks for the actives found in the screen. For example, a screen result that placed three actives as the first three ranks has an active_ranks list of = [1, 2, 3].

List of (1 - specificity, sensitivity, rank) tuples.

Return type:

list of tuples

schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter.get_roc_area_romberg(lower_limit=0.0, upper_limit=1.0)
Returns:Receiver Operator Characteristic area under the curve as defined by a Romberg integration between arbitrary points along 1-Sp (domain: 0-1).
Return type:float
schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter.save_plot(total_actives, total_ligands, active_ranks, adjusted_active_ranks, total_ranked, png_file='plot.png', title='Screen Results', xlabel='1-Specificity', ylabel='Sensitivity')

Saves an image of the ROC plot, Sensitivity v 1-Specificity, to a png file.

  • total_actives (int) – The number of all active ligands in the screen, ranked and unranked.
  • total_ligands (int) – The number of the total number of ligands (actives and unknowns/decoys) used in the screen.
  • active_ranks (list(int)) – List of unadjusted integer ranks for the actives found in the screen. For example, a screen result that placed three actives as the first three ranks has an active_ranks list of = [1, 2, 3].
  • adjusted_active_ranks (list(int)) – Modified active ranks; each rank is improved by the number of preceding actives. For example, a screen result that placed three actives as the first three ranks, [1, 2, 3], has adjusted ranks of [1, 1, 1]. In this way, actives are not penalized by being outranked by other actives.
  • total_ranked (int) – The number of unique ranked ligands. Deduced from results_file or merged_file.
  • png_file (str) – Path to output file, default is ‘plot.png’.
  • title (str) – Plot title, default is ‘Screen Results’.
  • xlabel (str) – x-axis label, default is ‘1-Specificity’.
  • ylabel (str) – y-axis label, default is ‘Sensitivity’.
class schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter.Plotter(calculators, title='Screen Results', xlabel='1-Specificity', ylabel='Sensitivity', legend_label='Screen Results')

Bases: schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter._BasePlotter

A class to plot multiple series of Calculator instances.

API example where enrich_calc1 and enrich_calc2 are instances of Calculator:

enrich_plotter = plotter.Plotter([enrich_calc1, enrich_calc2])
enrich_plotter.plot() # Launch interactive plot window.
enrich_plotter.savePlot('my_plot.png') # Save plot to file.

There are six line styles defined by default. Plotting more than six results cycles through the styles.

__init__(calculators, title='Screen Results', xlabel='1-Specificity', ylabel='Sensitivity', legend_label='Screen Results')
  • calculators (list(calculator.Calculator)) – List of Calculator instances.
  • title (string) – The plot title.
  • xlabel (str) – The x-axis label.
  • ylabel (str) – The y-axis label.
  • legend_label (str) – The legend label.

Returns points for this metric from the given Calculator instance.

Parameters:calculator (calculator.Calculator) – Calculator instance.

:return List of (x, y) points :rtype: list


alias of builtins.type


Implement delattr(self, name).

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter', '__doc__': "\n A class to plot multiple series of Calculator instances.\n\n API example where `enrich_calc1` and `enrich_calc2` are instances of\n Calculator::\n\n enrich_plotter = plotter.Plotter([enrich_calc1, enrich_calc2])\n enrich_plotter.plot() # Launch interactive plot window.\n enrich_plotter.savePlot('my_plot.png') # Save plot to file.\n\n There are six line styles defined by default. Plotting more than\n six results cycles through the styles.\n\n ", '__init__': <function Plotter.__init__>, 'getPointsFromCalc': <function Plotter.getPointsFromCalc>})
__dir__() → list

default dir() implementation


Return self==value.


default object formatter


Return self>=value.


Return getattr(self, name).


Return self>value.


Return hash(self).


This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.

__module__ = 'schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter'

Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


helper for pickle


helper for pickle


Return repr(self).


Implement setattr(self, name, value).

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

addReferenceSeries(style=None, plot_figure=None)

Adds a diagonal representing random performance.

  • style (string) – The matplotlib linestyle. If style is None then ‘k-‘ is used.
  • plot_figure (pylab.Figure) – A pylab figure. If None then the current figure is used.


addSeries(calculator, style=None, plot_figure=None)
  • calculator (calculator.Calculator) – Calculator instance.
  • style (string) – The matplotlib linestyle. If style is None then a style is selected by fetching the next element from self.styles.
  • plot_figure (pylab.Figure) – A pylab figure. If None then the current figure is used.



Returns a new pylab figure the plot.

Parameters:indexes (list) – List of indexes into self.calcs to include in the plot. If the argument is None then all series are plotted.
Returns:a pylab figure.

Launch interactive matplotlib viewer loaded with the plot.

Parameters:indexes (list) – List of indexes into self.calcs to include in the plot. If the argument is None then all series are plotted.

Serialized figure to a png format file.

Parameters:png_file (string) – Path to output png file.

Open a window with this plot.

Parameters:win_title (str) – Title for the plot window.
class schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter.PercentScreenPlotter(calculators, title='Screen Results', xlabel='Percent Screen', ylabel='Percent Actives Found', legend_label='Screen Results')

Bases: schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter._BasePlotter

A class to plot multiple series of Calculator data as %Actives Found vs %Screen.

API example where enrich_calc1 and enrich_calc2 are instances of Calculator:

enrich_plotter = plotter.PercentScreenPlotter([enrich_calc1,
enrich_plotter.plot() # Launch interactive plot window.
enrich_plotter.savePlot('my_plot.png') # Save plot to file.

There are six line styles defined by default. Plotting more than six results cycles through the styles.

__init__(calculators, title='Screen Results', xlabel='Percent Screen', ylabel='Percent Actives Found', legend_label='Screen Results')
  • calculators (list(calculator.Calculator)) – List of Calculator instances.
  • title (string) – The plot title.
  • xlabel (str) – The x-axis label.
  • ylabel (str) – The y-axis label.
  • legend_label (str) – The legend label.

Returns points for this metric from the given Calculator instance.

Parameters:calculator (calculator.Calculator) – Calculator instance.

:return List of (x, y) points :rtype: list


alias of builtins.type


Implement delattr(self, name).

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter', '__doc__': "\n A class to plot multiple series of Calculator data as %Actives Found\n vs %Screen.\n\n API example where `enrich_calc1` and `enrich_calc2` are instances of\n Calculator::\n\n enrich_plotter = plotter.PercentScreenPlotter([enrich_calc1,\n enrich_calc2])\n enrich_plotter.plot() # Launch interactive plot window.\n enrich_plotter.savePlot('my_plot.png') # Save plot to file.\n\n There are six line styles defined by default. Plotting more than\n six results cycles through the styles.\n\n ", '__init__': <function PercentScreenPlotter.__init__>, 'getPointsFromCalc': <function PercentScreenPlotter.getPointsFromCalc>})
__dir__() → list

default dir() implementation


Return self==value.


default object formatter


Return self>=value.


Return getattr(self, name).


Return self>value.


Return hash(self).


This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.

__module__ = 'schrodinger.analysis.enrichment.plotter'

Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


helper for pickle


helper for pickle


Return repr(self).


Implement setattr(self, name, value).

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

addReferenceSeries(style=None, plot_figure=None)

Adds a diagonal representing random performance.

  • style (string) – The matplotlib linestyle. If style is None then ‘k-‘ is used.
  • plot_figure (pylab.Figure) – A pylab figure. If None then the current figure is used.


addSeries(calculator, style=None, plot_figure=None)
  • calculator (calculator.Calculator) – Calculator instance.
  • style (string) – The matplotlib linestyle. If style is None then a style is selected by fetching the next element from self.styles.
  • plot_figure (pylab.Figure) – A pylab figure. If None then the current figure is used.



Returns a new pylab figure the plot.

Parameters:indexes (list) – List of indexes into self.calcs to include in the plot. If the argument is None then all series are plotted.
Returns:a pylab figure.

Launch interactive matplotlib viewer loaded with the plot.

Parameters:indexes (list) – List of indexes into self.calcs to include in the plot. If the argument is None then all series are plotted.

Serialized figure to a png format file.

Parameters:png_file (string) – Path to output png file.

Open a window with this plot.

Parameters:win_title (str) – Title for the plot window.