schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks module

class schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks.RunMode

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

STU = 3

alias of enum.EnumMeta

__members__ = mappingproxy(OrderedDict([('START', <RunMode.START: 1>), ('WRITE', <RunMode.WRITE: 2>), ('STU', <RunMode.STU: 3>)]))
__module__ = 'schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks'
class schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks.JobOptions(default_value=None, **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.models.parameters.CompoundParam


alias of builtins.object


alias of sip.wrappertype


Implement delattr(self, name).

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks', 'incorporation': <Abstract:JobOptions.incorporation>, 'default_disp': <Abstract:JobOptions.default_disp>, 'host': <>, 'cpus': <Abstract:JobOptions.cpus>, 'create_job_dir': <Abstract:JobOptions.create_job_dir>, '__doc__': None, '_JobOptions_jsonAdapters': [], '_child_param_names': ['incorporation', 'default_disp', 'host', 'cpus', 'create_job_dir'], 'incorporationChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobOptions.incorporationChanged[object]>, 'incorporationReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobOptions.incorporationReplaced[object, object]>, 'default_dispChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobOptions.default_dispChanged[object]>, 'default_dispReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobOptions.default_dispReplaced[object, object]>, 'hostChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobOptions.hostChanged[object]>, 'hostReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobOptions.hostReplaced[object, object]>, 'cpusChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobOptions.cpusChanged[object]>, 'cpusReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobOptions.cpusReplaced[object, object]>, 'create_job_dirChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobOptions.create_job_dirChanged[object]>, 'create_job_dirReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobOptions.create_job_dirReplaced[object, object]>})
__dir__() → list

default dir() implementation


Return self==value.


default object formatter


Return self>=value.

__get__(owner_instance, owner_class)

Returns the value of this param for the specific owner instance. If the value has not been set, the default value will be returned.

  • owner_instance (object) – the instance on which this param is an attribute. The value returned will correspond to this instance.
  • owner_class (type) – the class of the owner.
__getattr__(self, str) → object

If an AttributeError is raised during the getting of a child param, recast the error as a ParamAttributeError and raise. Otherwise, proceed normally.


Return self>value.

__hash__ = None
__init__(default_value=None, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

classmethod __init_subclass__()

This method modifies the creation of CompoundParam subclasses by dynamically adding a signal to the compound param for each subparam. The signal is named <subparam-name>Changed. (ex. coord.xChanged and coord.yChanged). This way, subclasses of CompoundParam do not need to explicitly define signals for each subparam.


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.

__module__ = 'schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks'

Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


helper for pickle


helper for pickle


Return repr(self).

__set__(owner_instance, value)

Set the value of this param for the specific owner instance.

  • owner_instance (object) – the instance on which this param is an attribute. The value returned will correspond to this instance.
  • value (self.DataClass) – the value to set this param to
__set_name__(owner_name, name)

Saves the name this param is saved as.

  • owner_instance (object) – The instance on which this param is an attribute.
  • name (str) – The name of the attribute this descriptor was set to.

Implement setattr(self, name, value).

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

blockSignals(self, bool) → bool
childEvent(self, QChildEvent)
children(self) → object
connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
customEvent(self, QEvent)

destroyed(self, QObject = None) [signal]

disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) → object
event(self, QEvent) → bool
eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) → bool
findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) → QObject

findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> QObject

findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) → List[QObject]

findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject]

classmethod fromJson(json_obj)

A factory method which constructs a new object from a given dict loaded from a json string or file.

Parameters:json_obj (dict) – A json-loaded dictionary to create an object from.
Returns:An instance of this class.

:rtype : cls

classmethod fromJsonImplementation(json_dict)

Sets the value of this compound param value object from a JSON dict.


Method to get the version of a particular object. Defaults to the current version of mmshare. This class can be overridden for custom versioning behavior.

inherits(self, str) → bool
installEventFilter(self, QObject)
isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) → bool
isWidgetType(self) → bool
isWindowType(self) → bool
is_abstract = True
killTimer(self, int)
metaObject(self) → QMetaObject
moveToThread(self, QThread)
objectName(self) → str

objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]


Returns the owner of this param. Works for both concrete and abstract params. Returns None if the param has no owner. Follows the same rules as ownerChain.


Returns the owner chain for this param. This works for concrete params and abstract params. Examples: will return [foo, bar, atom, coord] where every item is a regular param. will return [Foo, bar, atom.coord, x] where Foo is a class and all other items are abstract params.

parent(self) → QObject
property(self, str) → Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) → int
removeEventFilter(self, QObject)

Resets this compound param to its default value. If no arguments are passed in, the entire param is reset. Any number of abstract params may be optionally passed in to perform a partial reset to default value of specified sub-params. For example, given a compound param with two xyz coordinates as endpoints:

class Line(CompoundParam):
start = Coord(x=1, y=2, z=3) end = Coord(x=4, y=5, z=6)

line = Line()

We can reset the entire line:


Or just certain parts:

line.reset(Line.start.x) # resets just start.x line.start.reset(Coord.x) # another way to reset start.x line.reset(Line.end) # resets the entire end point line.reset(Line.start.z, Line.end.z) # resets the z-coord of both
Parameters:args – abstract sub-params of self
sender(self) → QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) → int
setObjectName(self, str)
setParent(self, QObject)
setProperty(self, str, Any) → bool
setValue(value=None, **kwargs)

Set the value of this compound param instance. This mutates the compound param to be equal to value; it does not make the compound param /identical/ to value.

Parameters:value (self.DataClass or dict) – either another param instance of the same type or a dictionary mapping the sub-param names to values.
signalsBlocked(self) → bool
startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) → int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
thread(self) → QThread
timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)

Create and returns a data structure made up of jsonable items.

Return type:An instance of one the classes from NATIVE_JSON_DATATYPES

Returns a JSON representation of this value object.

tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = -1) → str
class schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks.JobConfig(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.models.parameters.CompoundParam

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Takes a cmdlist and appends the standard configuration flags appropriate for the context. This will depend on whether the intent is to start or write the job and whether maestro is available.

Any flag that already exists in the cmdlist will take precedence and that flag will not be automatically appended.

Parameters:cmdlist (list) – the original command list.

Generates the text to display in the status bar via the updateStatusText method.


alias of builtins.object


alias of sip.wrappertype


Implement delattr(self, name).

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks', 'job_options': <Abstract:JobConfig.job_options>, 'disp': <Abstract:JobConfig.disp>, 'host': <>, 'cpus': <Abstract:JobConfig.cpus>, 'viewname': <Abstract:JobConfig.viewname>, 'jobname': <Abstract:JobConfig.jobname>, 'host_text': <Abstract:JobConfig.host_text>, 'proj': <Abstract:JobConfig.proj>, '__init__': <function JobConfig.__init__>, 'addHostFlag': <function JobConfig.addHostFlag>, 'addResultServerFlag': <function JobConfig.addResultServerFlag>, 'addDispFlag': <function JobConfig.addDispFlag>, 'addProjFlag': <function JobConfig.addProjFlag>, 'addViewnameFlag': <function JobConfig.addViewnameFlag>, 'addTmpLaunchDirFlag': <function JobConfig.addTmpLaunchDirFlag>, 'appendFlags': <function JobConfig.appendFlags>, 'applySettings': <function JobConfig.applySettings>, 'summaryText': <function JobConfig.summaryText>, '__doc__': None, '_JobConfig_jsonAdapters': [], '_child_param_names': ['job_options', 'disp', 'host', 'cpus', 'viewname', 'jobname', 'host_text', 'proj'], 'job_optionsChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.job_optionsChanged[object]>, 'job_optionsReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.job_optionsReplaced[object, object]>, 'dispChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.dispChanged[object]>, 'dispReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.dispReplaced[object, object]>, 'hostChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.hostChanged[object]>, 'hostReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.hostReplaced[object, object]>, 'cpusChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.cpusChanged[object]>, 'cpusReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.cpusReplaced[object, object]>, 'viewnameChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.viewnameChanged[object]>, 'viewnameReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.viewnameReplaced[object, object]>, 'jobnameChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.jobnameChanged[object]>, 'jobnameReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.jobnameReplaced[object, object]>, 'host_textChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.host_textChanged[object]>, 'host_textReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.host_textReplaced[object, object]>, 'projChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.projChanged[object]>, 'projReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL JobConfig.projReplaced[object, object]>})
__dir__() → list

default dir() implementation


Return self==value.


default object formatter


Return self>=value.

__get__(owner_instance, owner_class)

Returns the value of this param for the specific owner instance. If the value has not been set, the default value will be returned.

  • owner_instance (object) – the instance on which this param is an attribute. The value returned will correspond to this instance.
  • owner_class (type) – the class of the owner.
__getattr__(self, str) → object

If an AttributeError is raised during the getting of a child param, recast the error as a ParamAttributeError and raise. Otherwise, proceed normally.


Return self>value.

__hash__ = None
classmethod __init_subclass__()

This method modifies the creation of CompoundParam subclasses by dynamically adding a signal to the compound param for each subparam. The signal is named <subparam-name>Changed. (ex. coord.xChanged and coord.yChanged). This way, subclasses of CompoundParam do not need to explicitly define signals for each subparam.


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.

__module__ = 'schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks'

Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


helper for pickle


helper for pickle


Return repr(self).

__set__(owner_instance, value)

Set the value of this param for the specific owner instance.

  • owner_instance (object) – the instance on which this param is an attribute. The value returned will correspond to this instance.
  • value (self.DataClass) – the value to set this param to
__set_name__(owner_name, name)

Saves the name this param is saved as.

  • owner_instance (object) – The instance on which this param is an attribute.
  • name (str) – The name of the attribute this descriptor was set to.

Implement setattr(self, name, value).

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

blockSignals(self, bool) → bool
childEvent(self, QChildEvent)
children(self) → object
connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
customEvent(self, QEvent)

destroyed(self, QObject = None) [signal]

disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) → object
event(self, QEvent) → bool
eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) → bool
findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) → QObject

findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> QObject

findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) → List[QObject]

findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject]

classmethod fromJson(json_obj)

A factory method which constructs a new object from a given dict loaded from a json string or file.

Parameters:json_obj (dict) – A json-loaded dictionary to create an object from.
Returns:An instance of this class.

:rtype : cls

classmethod fromJsonImplementation(json_dict)

Sets the value of this compound param value object from a JSON dict.


Method to get the version of a particular object. Defaults to the current version of mmshare. This class can be overridden for custom versioning behavior.

inherits(self, str) → bool
installEventFilter(self, QObject)
isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) → bool
isWidgetType(self) → bool
isWindowType(self) → bool
is_abstract = True
killTimer(self, int)
metaObject(self) → QMetaObject
moveToThread(self, QThread)
objectName(self) → str

objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]


Returns the owner of this param. Works for both concrete and abstract params. Returns None if the param has no owner. Follows the same rules as ownerChain.


Returns the owner chain for this param. This works for concrete params and abstract params. Examples: will return [foo, bar, atom, coord] where every item is a regular param. will return [Foo, bar, atom.coord, x] where Foo is a class and all other items are abstract params.

parent(self) → QObject
property(self, str) → Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) → int
removeEventFilter(self, QObject)

Resets this compound param to its default value. If no arguments are passed in, the entire param is reset. Any number of abstract params may be optionally passed in to perform a partial reset to default value of specified sub-params. For example, given a compound param with two xyz coordinates as endpoints:

class Line(CompoundParam):
start = Coord(x=1, y=2, z=3) end = Coord(x=4, y=5, z=6)

line = Line()

We can reset the entire line:


Or just certain parts:

line.reset(Line.start.x) # resets just start.x line.start.reset(Coord.x) # another way to reset start.x line.reset(Line.end) # resets the entire end point line.reset(Line.start.z, Line.end.z) # resets the z-coord of both
Parameters:args – abstract sub-params of self
sender(self) → QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) → int
setObjectName(self, str)
setParent(self, QObject)
setProperty(self, str, Any) → bool
setValue(value=None, **kwargs)

Set the value of this compound param instance. This mutates the compound param to be equal to value; it does not make the compound param /identical/ to value.

Parameters:value (self.DataClass or dict) – either another param instance of the same type or a dictionary mapping the sub-param names to values.
signalsBlocked(self) → bool
startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) → int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
thread(self) → QThread
timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)

Create and returns a data structure made up of jsonable items.

Return type:An instance of one the classes from NATIVE_JSON_DATATYPES

Returns a JSON representation of this value object.

tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = -1) → str
class schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks.AbstractJobTask(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.tasks.tasks.AbstractTask

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Start this task. This includes any preprocessing and validation checks. Any failures will prevent the task from running.


Builds a $SCHRODINGER command string from all the args passed in. The resulting string is suitable for use in a cmdlist and formatted for use in starting or writing the job depending on self.run_mode. In START mode, the $SCHRODINGER environment variable will be expanded. In WRITE mode, it will stay as $SCHRODINGER and the path will be delimited with linux-style forward slashes.

Example: self.makeSchrodingerCmd(‘utilities’, ‘my_utility’) will return “${SCHRODINGER}/utilities/my_utility” in WRITE mode.


Returns the correct version of the $SCHRODINGER/run string. This will depend on whether the intent is to start or to write the job.


Returns the full cmd list for the job. This will take into account the run_mode specified in the job_config.


Implement this to generate a cmdlist. This cmdlist will be used for write functionality.


alias of builtins.object


alias of sip.wrappertype


Implement delattr(self, name).

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks', 'job_options': <Abstract:AbstractJobTask.job_options>, 'job_config': <Abstract:AbstractJobTask.job_config>, 'job_dir': <Abstract:AbstractJobTask.job_dir>, '__init__': <function AbstractJobTask.__init__>, '_getViewname': <function AbstractJobTask._getViewname>, 'start': <function AbstractJobTask.start>, 'write': <function AbstractJobTask.write>, '_writeCmd': <function AbstractJobTask._writeCmd>, 'getWriteFilename': <function AbstractJobTask.getWriteFilename>, 'isRunning': <function AbstractJobTask.isRunning>, 'makeSchrodingerCmd': <function AbstractJobTask.makeSchrodingerCmd>, 'getSchrodingerRun': <function AbstractJobTask.getSchrodingerRun>, 'fullCmdList': <function AbstractJobTask.fullCmdList>, '_makeCmdList': <function AbstractJobTask._makeCmdList>, 'makeCmdList': <function AbstractJobTask.makeCmdList>, 'appendConfigFlags': <function AbstractJobTask.appendConfigFlags>, 'updateStatusText': <function AbstractJobTask.updateStatusText>, '__doc__': None, '_AbstractJobTask_jsonAdapters': [], '_child_param_names': ['base_name', 'name', 'status_param', 'job_options', 'job_config', 'job_dir'], 'job_optionsChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL AbstractJobTask.job_optionsChanged[object]>, 'job_optionsReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL AbstractJobTask.job_optionsReplaced[object, object]>, 'job_configChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL AbstractJobTask.job_configChanged[object]>, 'job_configReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL AbstractJobTask.job_configReplaced[object, object]>, 'job_dirChanged': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL AbstractJobTask.job_dirChanged[object]>, 'job_dirReplaced': <unbound PYQT_SIGNAL AbstractJobTask.job_dirReplaced[object, object]>})
__dir__() → list

default dir() implementation


Return self==value.


default object formatter


Return self>=value.

__get__(owner_instance, owner_class)

Returns the value of this param for the specific owner instance. If the value has not been set, the default value will be returned.

  • owner_instance (object) – the instance on which this param is an attribute. The value returned will correspond to this instance.
  • owner_class (type) – the class of the owner.
__getattr__(self, str) → object

If an AttributeError is raised during the getting of a child param, recast the error as a ParamAttributeError and raise. Otherwise, proceed normally.


Return self>value.

__hash__ = None
classmethod __init_subclass__()

This method modifies the creation of CompoundParam subclasses by dynamically adding a signal to the compound param for each subparam. The signal is named <subparam-name>Changed. (ex. coord.xChanged and coord.yChanged). This way, subclasses of CompoundParam do not need to explicitly define signals for each subparam.


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.

__module__ = 'schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks'

Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


helper for pickle


helper for pickle


Return repr(self).

__set__(owner_instance, value)

Set the value of this param for the specific owner instance.

  • owner_instance (object) – the instance on which this param is an attribute. The value returned will correspond to this instance.
  • value (self.DataClass) – the value to set this param to
__set_name__(owner_name, name)

Saves the name this param is saved as.

  • owner_instance (object) – The instance on which this param is an attribute.
  • name (str) – The name of the attribute this descriptor was set to.

Implement setattr(self, name, value).

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

blockSignals(self, bool) → bool
childEvent(self, QChildEvent)
children(self) → object
connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
customEvent(self, QEvent)

destroyed(self, QObject = None) [signal]

disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) → object
event(self, QEvent) → bool
eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) → bool
findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) → QObject

findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> QObject

findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) → List[QObject]

findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject]

classmethod fromJson(json_obj)

A factory method which constructs a new object from a given dict loaded from a json string or file.

Parameters:json_obj (dict) – A json-loaded dictionary to create an object from.
Returns:An instance of this class.

:rtype : cls

classmethod fromJsonImplementation(json_dict)

Sets the value of this compound param value object from a JSON dict.


Method to get the version of a particular object. Defaults to the current version of mmshare. This class can be overridden for custom versioning behavior.

inherits(self, str) → bool
installEventFilter(self, QObject)
isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) → bool
isWidgetType(self) → bool
isWindowType(self) → bool
is_abstract = True
killTimer(self, int)
metaObject(self) → QMetaObject
moveToThread(self, QThread)
objectName(self) → str

objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]


Returns the owner of this param. Works for both concrete and abstract params. Returns None if the param has no owner. Follows the same rules as ownerChain.


Returns the owner chain for this param. This works for concrete params and abstract params. Examples: will return [foo, bar, atom, coord] where every item is a regular param. will return [Foo, bar, atom.coord, x] where Foo is a class and all other items are abstract params.

parent(self) → QObject

Override this method for any operations that should be run immediately after a task is started. This method is only called if the task was successfully started; returning False from this method provides one last way of marking the task as having failed to start.


Override this method for any operations that should be run prior to validation.

property(self, str) → Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) → int
removeEventFilter(self, QObject)

This method is required by ValidationMixin. In order to report errors, a reporter object is required (self._reporter). If no reporter is specified, a RuntimeError is raised for any validation errors that are encountered, but good results will allow the task to proceed; warnings are ignored if there is no reporter.


Resets this compound param to its default value. If no arguments are passed in, the entire param is reset. Any number of abstract params may be optionally passed in to perform a partial reset to default value of specified sub-params. For example, given a compound param with two xyz coordinates as endpoints:

class Line(CompoundParam):
start = Coord(x=1, y=2, z=3) end = Coord(x=4, y=5, z=6)

line = Line()

We can reset the entire line:


Or just certain parts:

line.reset(Line.start.x) # resets just start.x line.start.reset(Coord.x) # another way to reset start.x line.reset(Line.end) # resets the entire end point line.reset(Line.start.z, Line.end.z) # resets the z-coord of both
Parameters:args – abstract sub-params of self
runValidation(silent=False, validate_children=True, stop_on_fail=True)

Runs validation and reports the results (unless run silently).

  • silent (bool) – run without any reporting (i.e. error messages to the user). This is useful if we want to programmatically test validity. Changes return value of this method from ValidationResults to a boolean.
  • validate_children (bool) – run validation on all child objects. See _validateChildren for documentation on what this entails.
  • stop_on_fail (bool) – stop validation when first failure is encountered

if silent is False, returns the validation results. If silent is True, returns a boolean generated by reportValidation.

Return type:

ValidationResults or bool

sender(self) → QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) → int
setObjectName(self, str)
setParent(self, QObject)
setProperty(self, str, Any) → bool
setValue(value=None, **kwargs)

Set the value of this compound param instance. This mutates the compound param to be equal to value; it does not make the compound param /identical/ to value.

Parameters:value (self.DataClass or dict) – either another param instance of the same type or a dictionary mapping the sub-param names to values.
signalsBlocked(self) → bool
startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) → int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
thread(self) → QThread
timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)

Create and returns a data structure made up of jsonable items.

Return type:An instance of one the classes from NATIVE_JSON_DATATYPES

Returns a JSON representation of this value object.

tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = -1) → str
class schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks.CmdJobTask(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks.AbstractJobTask


This is the main method that needs to be implemented to define a specific cmd job runner. It should just return a complete cmd list for the job to be launched. Standard job options should be left off.


alias of builtins.object


alias of sip.wrappertype


Implement delattr(self, name).

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks', '_launchCmd': <function CmdJobTask._launchCmd>, '_start': <function CmdJobTask._start>, 'makeCmdList': <function CmdJobTask.makeCmdList>, '__doc__': None, '_CmdJobTask_jsonAdapters': [], '_child_param_names': ['base_name', 'name', 'status_param', 'job_options', 'job_config', 'job_dir']})
__dir__() → list

default dir() implementation


Return self==value.


default object formatter


Return self>=value.

__get__(owner_instance, owner_class)

Returns the value of this param for the specific owner instance. If the value has not been set, the default value will be returned.

  • owner_instance (object) – the instance on which this param is an attribute. The value returned will correspond to this instance.
  • owner_class (type) – the class of the owner.
__getattr__(self, str) → object

If an AttributeError is raised during the getting of a child param, recast the error as a ParamAttributeError and raise. Otherwise, proceed normally.


Return self>value.

__hash__ = None
__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

classmethod __init_subclass__()

This method modifies the creation of CompoundParam subclasses by dynamically adding a signal to the compound param for each subparam. The signal is named <subparam-name>Changed. (ex. coord.xChanged and coord.yChanged). This way, subclasses of CompoundParam do not need to explicitly define signals for each subparam.


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.

__module__ = 'schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks'

Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


helper for pickle


helper for pickle


Return repr(self).

__set__(owner_instance, value)

Set the value of this param for the specific owner instance.

  • owner_instance (object) – the instance on which this param is an attribute. The value returned will correspond to this instance.
  • value (self.DataClass) – the value to set this param to
__set_name__(owner_name, name)

Saves the name this param is saved as.

  • owner_instance (object) – The instance on which this param is an attribute.
  • name (str) – The name of the attribute this descriptor was set to.

Implement setattr(self, name, value).

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

blockSignals(self, bool) → bool
childEvent(self, QChildEvent)
children(self) → object
connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
customEvent(self, QEvent)

destroyed(self, QObject = None) [signal]

disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) → object
event(self, QEvent) → bool
eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) → bool
findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) → QObject

findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> QObject

findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) → List[QObject]

findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject]

classmethod fromJson(json_obj)

A factory method which constructs a new object from a given dict loaded from a json string or file.

Parameters:json_obj (dict) – A json-loaded dictionary to create an object from.
Returns:An instance of this class.

:rtype : cls

classmethod fromJsonImplementation(json_dict)

Sets the value of this compound param value object from a JSON dict.


Returns the full cmd list for the job. This will take into account the run_mode specified in the job_config.


Returns the correct version of the $SCHRODINGER/run string. This will depend on whether the intent is to start or to write the job.


Method to get the version of a particular object. Defaults to the current version of mmshare. This class can be overridden for custom versioning behavior.

inherits(self, str) → bool
installEventFilter(self, QObject)
isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) → bool
isWidgetType(self) → bool
isWindowType(self) → bool
is_abstract = True
killTimer(self, int)

Builds a $SCHRODINGER command string from all the args passed in. The resulting string is suitable for use in a cmdlist and formatted for use in starting or writing the job depending on self.run_mode. In START mode, the $SCHRODINGER environment variable will be expanded. In WRITE mode, it will stay as $SCHRODINGER and the path will be delimited with linux-style forward slashes.

Example: self.makeSchrodingerCmd(‘utilities’, ‘my_utility’) will return “${SCHRODINGER}/utilities/my_utility” in WRITE mode.

metaObject(self) → QMetaObject
moveToThread(self, QThread)
objectName(self) → str

objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]


Returns the owner of this param. Works for both concrete and abstract params. Returns None if the param has no owner. Follows the same rules as ownerChain.


Returns the owner chain for this param. This works for concrete params and abstract params. Examples: will return [foo, bar, atom, coord] where every item is a regular param. will return [Foo, bar, atom.coord, x] where Foo is a class and all other items are abstract params.

parent(self) → QObject

Override this method for any operations that should be run immediately after a task is started. This method is only called if the task was successfully started; returning False from this method provides one last way of marking the task as having failed to start.


Override this method for any operations that should be run prior to validation.

property(self, str) → Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) → int
removeEventFilter(self, QObject)

This method is required by ValidationMixin. In order to report errors, a reporter object is required (self._reporter). If no reporter is specified, a RuntimeError is raised for any validation errors that are encountered, but good results will allow the task to proceed; warnings are ignored if there is no reporter.


Resets this compound param to its default value. If no arguments are passed in, the entire param is reset. Any number of abstract params may be optionally passed in to perform a partial reset to default value of specified sub-params. For example, given a compound param with two xyz coordinates as endpoints:

class Line(CompoundParam):
start = Coord(x=1, y=2, z=3) end = Coord(x=4, y=5, z=6)

line = Line()

We can reset the entire line:


Or just certain parts:

line.reset(Line.start.x) # resets just start.x line.start.reset(Coord.x) # another way to reset start.x line.reset(Line.end) # resets the entire end point line.reset(Line.start.z, Line.end.z) # resets the z-coord of both
Parameters:args – abstract sub-params of self
runValidation(silent=False, validate_children=True, stop_on_fail=True)

Runs validation and reports the results (unless run silently).

  • silent (bool) – run without any reporting (i.e. error messages to the user). This is useful if we want to programmatically test validity. Changes return value of this method from ValidationResults to a boolean.
  • validate_children (bool) – run validation on all child objects. See _validateChildren for documentation on what this entails.
  • stop_on_fail (bool) – stop validation when first failure is encountered

if silent is False, returns the validation results. If silent is True, returns a boolean generated by reportValidation.

Return type:

ValidationResults or bool

sender(self) → QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) → int
setObjectName(self, str)
setParent(self, QObject)
setProperty(self, str, Any) → bool
setValue(value=None, **kwargs)

Set the value of this compound param instance. This mutates the compound param to be equal to value; it does not make the compound param /identical/ to value.

Parameters:value (self.DataClass or dict) – either another param instance of the same type or a dictionary mapping the sub-param names to values.
signalsBlocked(self) → bool

Start this task. This includes any preprocessing and validation checks. Any failures will prevent the task from running.

startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) → int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
thread(self) → QThread
timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)

Create and returns a data structure made up of jsonable items.

Return type:An instance of one the classes from NATIVE_JSON_DATATYPES

Returns a JSON representation of this value object.

tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = -1) → str
class schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks.JobStatusLoop

Bases: PyQt5.QtCore.QObject


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


alias of sip.wrappertype


Implement delattr(self, name).

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks', '__init__': <function JobStatusLoop.__init__>, 'monitorJobTask': <function JobStatusLoop.monitorJobTask>, 'updateNow': <function JobStatusLoop.updateNow>, '__doc__': None})
__dir__() → list

default dir() implementation


Return self==value.


default object formatter


Return self>=value.

__getattr__(self, str) → object

Return getattr(self, name).


Return self>value.


Return hash(self).


This method is called when a class is subclassed.

The default implementation does nothing. It may be overridden to extend subclasses.


Return self<=value.


Return self<value.

__module__ = 'schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks'

Return self!=value.


Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.


helper for pickle


helper for pickle


Return repr(self).


Implement setattr(self, name, value).

__sizeof__() → int

size of object in memory, in bytes


Return str(self).


Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass().

This is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return True, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm is used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

blockSignals(self, bool) → bool
childEvent(self, QChildEvent)
children(self) → object
connectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
customEvent(self, QEvent)

destroyed(self, QObject = None) [signal]

disconnectNotify(self, QMetaMethod)
dynamicPropertyNames(self) → object
event(self, QEvent) → bool
eventFilter(self, QObject, QEvent) → bool
findChild(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) → QObject

findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> QObject

findChildren(self, type, name: str = '', options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) → List[QObject]

findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, type, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegExp, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, type, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject] findChildren(self, Tuple, QRegularExpression, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject]

inherits(self, str) → bool
installEventFilter(self, QObject)
isSignalConnected(self, QMetaMethod) → bool
isWidgetType(self) → bool
isWindowType(self) → bool
killTimer(self, int)
metaObject(self) → QMetaObject
moveToThread(self, QThread)
objectName(self) → str

objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]

parent(self) → QObject
property(self, str) → Any

Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal. For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an appropriate type. For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a callable.

receivers(self, PYQT_SIGNAL) → int
removeEventFilter(self, QObject)
sender(self) → QObject
senderSignalIndex(self) → int
setObjectName(self, str)
setParent(self, QObject)
setProperty(self, str, Any) → bool
signalsBlocked(self) → bool
startTimer(self, int, timerType: Qt.TimerType = Qt.CoarseTimer) → int
staticMetaObject = <PyQt5.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
thread(self) → QThread
timerEvent(self, QTimerEvent)
tr(self, str, disambiguation: str = None, n: int = -1) → str

Returns boolean if we should use detached jobs.

Parameters:host (string) – Hosts string which determine the string value of result server argument. These are values usually from configuration dialog and is of the form “galina” or “galina:1” or “galina,monica” or “galina:2,monica:3” or “galina monica” or “galina:2 monica:3”. And based on ‘serverhost’ field of the first host, return boolean if we should use detached jobs.
schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks.make_schrodinger_cmd(cmdlist, mode=<RunMode.START: 1>)

Given a host string, get the corresponding hosts list from jobcontrol and return the first hostname from that list.

Parameters:host (string) –
Hosts string which determine the string value of result server argument. These are values usually from configuration dialog and is of the form “galina” or “galina:1” or “galina,monica” or “galina:2,monica:3” or “galina monica” or “galina:2 monica:3”.
return:Hostname based on the first of the first hosts in the jobcontrol list.

Return string value of result server argument.

Parameters:host (string) – Hosts string which determine the string value of result server argument. These are values usually from configuration dialog and is of the form “galina” or “galina:1” or “galina,monica” or “galina:2,monica:3” or “galina monica” or “galina:2 monica:3”. And based on ‘serverhost’ field of the first host, the result server argument is returned.
schrodinger.tasks.jobtasks.job_belongs_to_panel(jobid, viewname)

Return True if jobid belongs to viewname of a panel. Used by incorporation callbacks to determine if the job belongs to us.

  • jobid (str) – jobid for a given job
  • viewname (str) – viewname corresponding to panel

Converts a command list to a command string. Don’t do this if you can possibly avoid it.

subprocess.list2cmdline() is not sufficient because it won’t quote env vars like $SCHRODINGER (which can expand to “path with spaces”

Parameters:cmdlist (list) – a list of commands
Returns:sh interpolable list