schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod module

Classes and functions for finding MECPs.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


The Rosenbrock function. The target solution should be all ones and the function value here should be zero.

Parameters:x_vec (numpy.array) – the solution vector (N X 1)
Return type:float, numpy.array
Returns:the function value and Jacobian (N X 1)

The x**2 + y**2 + 2*x function. The target solution is (x = -1, y = 0) with f = -1. The minimum crossing point with quadratic_2 is (x = -1/2, y = -1/2).

Parameters:x_vec (numpy.array) – the solution vector (N X 1)
Return type:float, numpy.array
Returns:the function value and Jacobian (N X 1)

The x**2 + y**2 + 2*y function. The target solution is (x = 0, y = -1) with f = -1. The minimum crossing point with quadratic_1 is (x = -1/2, y = -1/2).

Parameters:x_vec (numpy.array) – the solution vector (N X 1)
Return type:float, numpy.array
Returns:the function value and Jacobian (N X 1)

The x**2 + y**2 + 6*x function. The target solution is (x = -3, y = 0) with f = -9. The minimum crossing point with quadratic_2 is (x = -3/10, y = -9/10).

Parameters:x_vec (numpy.array) – the solution vector (N X 1)
Return type:float, numpy.array
Returns:the function value and Jacobian (N X 1)
schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.get_guess(nvar=33, amp=5, seed=123)

Return a guess solution.

  • nvar (int) – the number of variables
  • amp (int) – the amplitude of the set of random numbers used in generating the guess solution
  • seed (int) – seed for random
Return type:



the guess geometry (N X 1)

schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.set_e_and_g(astructure, jobs)

Set the energies and gradients for a debug run.

class schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.ParserWrapper(scriptname, description)

Bases: object

Manages the argparse module to parse user command line arguments.

__init__(scriptname, description)

Create a ParserWrapper instance and process it.

  • scriptname (str) – name of this script
  • description (str) – description of this script

Load ParserWrapper with options.


Parse the command line arguments.

Parameters:args (tuple) – command line arguments
exception schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.InputError

Bases: Exception


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.CheckInput

Bases: object

Manages checking input.

static checkChargeAndMultiplicity(astructure, charge, multiplicity)

Check the charge and multiplicity.

  • astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure to check
  • charge (int) – net molecular charge
  • multiplicity (int) – net molecular multiplicity

InputError if there is an issue

static checkChargesMultiplicitiesStates(charge_1, charge_2, multip_1, multip_2, state_1, state_2)

Check the charges, multiplicities, and states.

  • charge_1 (int) – the charge of the first state
  • charge_2 (int) – the charge of the second state
  • multip_1 (int) – the multiplicity of the first state
  • multip_2 (int) – the multiplicity of the second state
  • state_1 (int) – the first state, 0 for ground state, N for the N-th excited state
  • state_2 (int) – the second state, 0 for ground state, N for the N-th excited state

InputError if there is an issue

static checkParallelization(tpp, nresources)

Check the parallelization options.

  • tpp (int) – the number of threads to use for this Jaguar job, i.e. -TPP (threads-per-process)
  • nresources (int) – the number of resources for Jaguar calculations, i.e. the number of threads * the number of processors

InputError if there is an issue


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.get_final_state(state, scf_gs, multiplicity)

Return the final state.

  • state (int) – the electronic state, 0 is the ground state and <N> is the N-th excited state
  • scf_gs (bool) – specify whether ground states should be determined using an SCF
  • multiplicity (int) – molecular multiplicity
Return type:

int or None


the final state or None if there isn’t one

class schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.JaguarJob(idx=None, base_name=None, charge=None, multiplicity=None, state=None, scf_gs=None, kwargs=None, mae_input_file=None, jag_input_file=None, jag_output_file=None, jag_restart_input_file=None, in_template=None, job=None)

Bases: object

Manages a Jaguar job.

KEYS = ['idx', 'base_name', 'charge', 'multiplicity', 'state', 'scf_gs', 'kwargs', 'mae_input_file', 'jag_input_file', 'jag_output_file', 'jag_restart_input_file', 'in_template', 'job']
__init__(idx=None, base_name=None, charge=None, multiplicity=None, state=None, scf_gs=None, kwargs=None, mae_input_file=None, jag_input_file=None, jag_output_file=None, jag_restart_input_file=None, in_template=None, job=None)

Create an instance.

  • idx (int) – the index
  • base_name (str) – the base name
  • charge (int) – net molecular charge
  • multiplicity (int) – molecular multiplicity
  • state (int) – the electronic state, 0 is the ground state and <N> is the N-th excited state
  • scf_gs (bool) – specify whether ground states should be determined using an SCF
  • kwargs (dict) – dictionary of Jaguar &gen section key-value pairs
  • mae_input_file (str) – Maestro input file
  • jag_input_file (str) – Jaguar input file
  • jag_output_file (str) – Jaguar output file
  • jag_restart_input_file (str) – Jaguar restart input file
  • in_template (str) – a Jaguar input file to use as template
  • job (queue.JobControlJob) – job object

Return the final total energy accounting for any excitation energies.

Return type:float
Returns:the total energy in hartree

Return the final forces in units of hartree/angstrom.

Return type:numpy.array
Returns:the forces in hartree/angstrom in natoms X 3

Return the final structure.

Parameters:astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the final structure
exception schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.JaguarError

Bases: Exception


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.JaguarJobs(data=[(0, 3, 0), (0, 1, 1)], scf_gs=False, kwargs={'basis': 'MIDIX', 'dftname': 'B3LYP', 'iacc': 1, 'isymm': 0, 'itda': 1, 'itddft': 1, 'iuhf': 2, 'maxit': 100, 'nofail': 0, 'nops': 1}, base_name='mecp', host='localhost', nproc=2, tpp=1, logger=None)

Bases: object

Manages Jaguar jobs.

__init__(data=[(0, 3, 0), (0, 1, 1)], scf_gs=False, kwargs={'basis': 'MIDIX', 'dftname': 'B3LYP', 'iacc': 1, 'isymm': 0, 'itda': 1, 'itddft': 1, 'iuhf': 2, 'maxit': 100, 'nofail': 0, 'nops': 1}, base_name='mecp', host='localhost', nproc=2, tpp=1, logger=None)

Create an instance.

  • data (list) – contains (charge, multiplicity, state) tuples for all jobs, for electronic state 0 is the ground state and <N> is the N-th excited state
  • scf_gs (bool) – specify whether ground states should be determined using an SCF
  • kwargs (dict) – dictionary of Jaguar &gen section key-value pairs
  • base_name (str) – a base name used to name the jobs and their related files
  • host (str) – the host on which to run the jobs
  • nproc (int) – the number of processors to use for running the jobs, i.e. the number of simultaneous jobs
  • tpp (int) – the number of threads to use for the jobs, i.e. -TPP (threads-per-process)
  • logger (logging.Logger or None) – output logger or None if there isn’t one

Clear the list of jobs attribute.


Set the structure to use for the jobs.

Parameters:astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure to use for the jobs

Set the input templates to use for the jobs.

Parameters:in_templates (list or None) – a list of Jaguar input files to use as templates for creating the jobs, if used then the length of this list should be equivalent to that of the data attribute, the first ZMAT section is overwritten with the input astructure argument, use None if there aren’t any templates
Raise:JaguarError if in_templates data is the wrong size

Set up the launch directory for the jobs.

Parameters:launch_dir (str or None) – the directory from which to launch the jobs or None if there isn’t one (in which case the CWD will be used)

Return a base name for the given job.

Parameters:idx (int) – the job index
Return type:str
Returns:base name for the job
getKwargs(charge, multiplicity, state)

Return the kwargs for the given job.

  • charge (int) – net molecular charge
  • multiplicity (int) – molecular multiplicity
  • state (int) – the electronic state, 0 is the ground state and <N> is the N-th excited state
Return type:



Jaguar kwargs for the job


Return a list of files names for the given job.

Parameters:base_name (str) – base name for the job
Return type:list
Returns:file names for the job

Return an input template file.

Parameters:idx (int) – the job index
Return type:str
Returns:the input template file
getJob(base_name, jag_input_file)

Return a queue.JobControlJob for the given job.

  • base_name (str) – base name for the job
  • jag_input_file (str) – Jaguar input file for the job
Return type:



the job object


Set up the input files for the job.

Parameters:job (JaguarJob) – a JaguarJob object containing various job parameters

Run the jobs.


Process the output from the jobs.

Raise:JaguarError if there were problems with the job
runIt(astructure, in_templates=None, launch_dir=None)

Main function to run the jobs.

  • astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure to use for the jobs
  • in_templates (list or None) – a list of Jaguar input files to use as templates for creating the jobs, if used then the length of this list should be equivalent to that of the data attribute, the first ZMAT section is overwritten with the input astructure argument, use None if there aren’t any templates
  • launch_dir (str or None) – the directory from which to launch the jobs or None if there isn’t one (in which case the CWD will be used)
Return type:



contains JaguarJob objects for all jobs

exception schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.TerminateException

Bases: Exception


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.IterationError

Bases: Exception


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.MECPStep(iteration, call_number, x_initial, method, perp_factor, para_factor, verbose, logger, bfgs_obj)

Bases: object

Manage an MECP step, which can be an iteration or a line search iteration.

__init__(iteration, call_number, x_initial, method, perp_factor, para_factor, verbose, logger, bfgs_obj)

Create an instance.

  • iteration (int) – the iteration
  • call_number (int) – the call number
  • x_initial (numpy.array) – the initial geometry vector (N X 1)
  • method (str) – the method to use to determine the MECP
  • perp_factor (float) – prefactor for the energy term whose gradient lies perpendicular to the crossing seam
  • para_factor (float) – prefactor for the energy term whose gradient lies parallel to the crossing seam
  • verbose (bool) – specifies verbose logging
  • logger (logging.Logger) – output logger
  • bfgs_obj (BFGS) – a BFGS object that manages the optimization

Log the initial geometry.


Log the Hessian eigenvalues.


Log the step info.


Handle the final geometry.

Parameters:x_final (numpy.array) – the final geometry vector (N X 1)

Set the Jaguar input templates.


Get the unit vector that is normal to the delta forces vector.

Parameters:prev_mecp_step (MECPStep or None) – MECPStep from the previous iteration or line search iteration or None if there isn’t one
Return type:numpy.array or None
Returns:the unit vector perpendicular to the delta forces vector or None if there isn’t one

Set the energies and forces for the two states as well as well as the energy and forces to use for the MECP optimization.

Parameters:prev_mecp_step (MECPStep or None) – MECPStep from the previous iteration or line search iteration or None if there isn’t one

Set energies and forces data.

Parameters:prev_mecp_step (MECPStep or None) – MECPStep from the previous iteration or line search iteration or None if there isn’t one
setJobData(jobs, prev_mecp_step=None)

Set job data.

  • jobs (list) – contains the JaguarJob instances for the two jobs
  • prev_mecp_step (MECPStep or None) – MECPStep from the previous iteration or line search iteration or None if there isn’t one
logEnergyAndForces(header, energy, forces, max_force, rms_force, len_force, energy_header='Energy / Hartree', forces_header='Forces / Hartree/Ang.')

Log energy and forces.

  • header (str) – a header
  • energy (float or None) – the energy or None if there isn’t one
  • forces (numpy.array) – the forces (natoms X 3)
  • max_force (float) – the magnitude of the largest forces element
  • rms_force (float) – the RMS of forces
  • len_force (float) – the length of forces
  • energy_header (str) – an energy header
  • forces_header (str) – a forces header

Return a formatted summary line from the given data entries.

Parameters:entries (list) – the data to format
Return type:str
Returns:a formatted summary line

Log the summary header.


Log a summary.


Log job data.


Terminate the MECP optimization.

Parameters:convergence_dict (dict) – contains various convergence thresholds
Raise:TerminateException if it is time to terminate
exception schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.MinimizerError

Bases: Exception


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.BFGS(c1=0.0001, c2=0.9, amax=50.0, amin=1e-08, xtol=1e-14, max_force=0.0001, max_iterations=50, eps=0.0001, init_hess='identity', verbose=False, logger=None)

Bases: object

Manage a BFGS optimization.

LARGE_RHO_K = 1000.0
IMAG_TOL = 1e-06
ANGLE_TOL = 0.01
NEG_HESS_TOL = -0.01
__init__(c1=0.0001, c2=0.9, amax=50.0, amin=1e-08, xtol=1e-14, max_force=0.0001, max_iterations=50, eps=0.0001, init_hess='identity', verbose=False, logger=None)

Create an instance.

  • c1 (float) – parameter for Armijo condition rule
  • c2 (float) – parameter for curvature condition rule
  • amax (float) – maximum allowable step size
  • amin (float) – minimum allowable step size
  • xtol (float) – nonnegative relative tolerance for an acceptable step, the search exits with a warning if the relative difference between sty and stx is less than xtol where sty and stx define an interval
  • max_force (float) – maximum allowable force element
  • max_iterations (int) – the maximum number of iterations
  • eps (float) – step size in Angstrom for any finite difference approximations
  • init_hess (str) – the type of initial Hessian to use
  • verbose (bool) – specifies verbose logging
  • logger (logging.Logger or None) – output logger or None if there isn’t one
line_search_wolfe1(f, fprime, xk, pk, gfk=None, old_fval=None, old_old_fval=None, args=(), c1=0.0001, c2=0.9, amax=50, amin=1e-08, xtol=1e-14)

As scalar_search_wolfe1 but do a line search to direction pk

f : callable
Function f(x)
fprime : callable
Gradient of f
xk : array_like
Current point
pk : array_like
Search direction
gfk : array_like, optional
Gradient of f at point xk
old_fval : float, optional
Value of f at point xk
old_old_fval : float, optional
Value of f at point preceding xk

The rest of the parameters are the same as for scalar_search_wolfe1.

stp, f_count, g_count, fval, old_fval
As in line_search_wolfe1
gval : array
Gradient of f at the final point
scalar_search_wolfe1(phi, derphi, phi0=None, old_phi0=None, derphi0=None, c1=0.0001, c2=0.9, amax=50, amin=1e-08, xtol=1e-14)

Scalar function search for alpha that satisfies strong Wolfe conditions

alpha > 0 is assumed to be a descent direction.

phi : callable phi(alpha)
Function at point alpha
derphi : callable dphi(alpha)
Derivative d phi(alpha)/ds. Returns a scalar.
phi0 : float, optional
Value of f at 0
old_phi0 : float, optional
Value of f at the previous point
derphi0 : float, optional
Value derphi at 0
amax : float, optional
Maximum step size
c1, c2 : float, optional
Wolfe parameters
alpha : float
Step size, or None if no suitable step was found
phi : float
Value of phi at the new point alpha
phi0 : float
Value of phi at alpha=0

Uses routine DCSRCH from MINPACK.


Reset the finite difference call.

getInitialInvHessian(fun, jac, fun_0, jac_0, x_0)

Return an initial guess for the inverse Hessian.

  • fun (function) – function to minimize
  • jac (function) – the Jacobian of the function being minimized
  • fun_0 (float) – function value at initial solution
  • jac_0 (float) – the Jacobian value at initial solution
  • x_0 (numpy.array) – initial solution
Return type:



the initial guess inverse Hessian (N/3 X 3)

minimize(fun, x_0, jac=None, **kwargs)

Minimization of a function using the BFGS algorithm.

  • fun (function) – function to minimize
  • x_0 (numpy.array) – initial solution
  • jac (function) – the Jacobian of the function being minimized
Return type:



optimization parameters

class schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.EnergyAndGradients(astructure, data=[(0, 3, 0), (0, 1, 1)], scf_gs=False, kwargs={'basis': 'MIDIX', 'dftname': 'B3LYP', 'iacc': 1, 'isymm': 0, 'itda': 1, 'itddft': 1, 'iuhf': 2, 'maxit': 100, 'nofail': 0, 'nops': 1}, base_name='mecp', all_results=False, convergence_dict={'delta_energy': -1e-06, 'max_displacement': 1e-05, 'max_force': 0.0001, 'rms_displacement': 1e-05, 'rms_force': 0.0001}, max_iterations=50, method='projection', perp_factor=100.0, para_factor=1.0, all_geometries=False, host='localhost', nproc=2, tpp=1, verbose=False, logger=None, bfgs_obj=None)

Bases: object

Manage energy and gradient calls.

__init__(astructure, data=[(0, 3, 0), (0, 1, 1)], scf_gs=False, kwargs={'basis': 'MIDIX', 'dftname': 'B3LYP', 'iacc': 1, 'isymm': 0, 'itda': 1, 'itddft': 1, 'iuhf': 2, 'maxit': 100, 'nofail': 0, 'nops': 1}, base_name='mecp', all_results=False, convergence_dict={'delta_energy': -1e-06, 'max_displacement': 1e-05, 'max_force': 0.0001, 'rms_displacement': 1e-05, 'rms_force': 0.0001}, max_iterations=50, method='projection', perp_factor=100.0, para_factor=1.0, all_geometries=False, host='localhost', nproc=2, tpp=1, verbose=False, logger=None, bfgs_obj=None)

Create an instance.

  • astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure for which the energy and gradients are needed
  • data (list) – contains (charge, multiplicity, state) tuples for the jobs for the two MECP states, for electronic state 0 is the ground state and <N> is the N-th excited state
  • scf_gs (bool) – specify whether ground states should be determined using an SCF
  • kwargs (dict) – dictionary of Jaguar &gen section key-value pairs
  • base_name (str) – a base name used to name the jobs and their related files
  • all_results (bool) – use this option to copy all subdirectories containing results from intermediate Jaguar force, etc. calculations back to the launch host
  • convergence_dict (dict) – contains various convergence thresholds
  • max_iterations (int) – the maximum number of MECP geometry optimization iterations
  • method (str) – the method to use to determine the MECP
  • perp_factor (float) – prefactor for the energy term whose gradient lies perpendicular to the crossing seam
  • para_factor (float) – prefactor for the energy term whose gradient lies parallel to the crossing seam
  • all_geometries (bool) – use this option to report all geometries, i.e. the geometries from all MECP geometries iterations will be reported in the output
  • host (str) – the host on which to run the jobs
  • nproc (int) – the number of processors to use for running the jobs, i.e. the number of simultaneous jobs
  • tpp (int) – the number of threads to use for the jobs, i.e. -TPP (threads-per-process)
  • verbose (bool) – specifies verbose logging
  • logger (logging.Logger or None) – output logger or None if there isn’t one
  • bfgs_obj (BFGS) – a BFGS object that manages the optimization

Set up the Maestro output writer.


Tear down the Maestro output writer and then raise an exception.

Parameters:exception (Exception) – the exception to raise after tear down

Reset the call number.


Set up for the Jaguar jobs.


Log a header.


Return True if this is a new iteration.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this is a new iteration, False otherwise

Set up the launch directory for this MECP iteration.

Return type:str
Returns:the launch directory for this MECP iteration

Return the name of the launch subdirectory for the current job.

Return type:str
Returns:the launch subdirectory for the current job

Run the jobs.

Parameters:launch_dir (str) – the launch directory for the jobs
Return type:list
Returns:contains the JaguarJob instances for the two jobs

Log a summary.

handleStructure(x_to_use, step=None)

Handle setting and writing the structure.

  • x_to_use (numpy.array) – the geometry vector to use (N X 1)
  • step (MECPStep or None) – the step from which to obtain the energy to use or None if there is no energy

Finish the previous step.

Parameters:next_x (numpy.array) – the next geometry vector (N X 1)
handleFiniteDifferences(next_x, finite_diff_call)

Handle finite difference calls.

  • next_x (numpy.array) – the next geometry vector (N X 1)
  • finite_diff_call (int) – the index of a finite difference call
Return type:

float, numpy.array


the energy and gradients (N X 1)


Return the energy and gradients that drive the MECP geometry optimization.

Parameters:next_x (numpy.array) – the next geometry vector (N X 1)
Return type:float, numpy.array
Returns:the energy and gradients (N X 1)
class schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.MECP(astructure, charge_1=0, charge_2=0, multip_1=3, multip_2=1, state_1=0, state_2=1, scf_gs=False, jaguar_kwargs={'basis': 'MIDIX', 'dftname': 'B3LYP', 'iacc': 1, 'isymm': 0, 'itda': 1, 'itddft': 1, 'iuhf': 2, 'maxit': 100, 'nofail': 0, 'nops': 1}, iterations=50, eps=0.0001, init_hess='identity', method='projection', perp_factor=100.0, para_factor=1.0, convergence_dict={'delta_energy': -1e-06, 'max_displacement': 1e-05, 'max_force': 0.0001, 'rms_displacement': 1e-05, 'rms_force': 0.0001}, guess_geom='input', all_geometries=False, all_results=False, properties=False, base_name='mecp', tpp=1, nresources=2, verbose=False, logger=None)

Bases: object

Manages finding MECPs.

__init__(astructure, charge_1=0, charge_2=0, multip_1=3, multip_2=1, state_1=0, state_2=1, scf_gs=False, jaguar_kwargs={'basis': 'MIDIX', 'dftname': 'B3LYP', 'iacc': 1, 'isymm': 0, 'itda': 1, 'itddft': 1, 'iuhf': 2, 'maxit': 100, 'nofail': 0, 'nops': 1}, iterations=50, eps=0.0001, init_hess='identity', method='projection', perp_factor=100.0, para_factor=1.0, convergence_dict={'delta_energy': -1e-06, 'max_displacement': 1e-05, 'max_force': 0.0001, 'rms_displacement': 1e-05, 'rms_force': 0.0001}, guess_geom='input', all_geometries=False, all_results=False, properties=False, base_name='mecp', tpp=1, nresources=2, verbose=False, logger=None)

Create an instance.

  • astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure for which the MECP is needed
  • charge_1 (int) – net molecular charge of the first state
  • charge_2 (int) – net molecular charge of the second state
  • multip_1 (int) – multiplicity of the first state
  • multip_2 (int) – multiplicity of the second state
  • state_1 (int) – the first state, 0 for ground state, N for the N-th excited state
  • state_2 (int) – the second state, 0 for ground state, N for the N-th excited state
  • scf_gs (bool) – specify whether ground states should be determined using an SCF
  • jaguar_kwargs (dict) – dictionary of Jaguar &gen section key/value pairs
  • iterations (int) – the maximum number of MECP geometry optimization iterations
  • eps (float) – step size in Angstrom for any finite difference approximations
  • init_hess (str) – the type of initial Hessian to use
  • method (str) – the method to use to determine the MECP
  • perp_factor (float) – prefactor for the energy term whose gradient lies perpendicular to the crossing seam
  • para_factor (float) – prefactor for the energy term whose gradient lies parallel to the crossing seam
  • convergence_dict (dict) – contains various convergence thresholds
  • guess_geom (str) – the initial guess geometry to use for the MECP geometry optimization, choices are GUESS_GEOM_CHOICES
  • all_geometries (bool) – use this option to report all geometries, i.e. the geometries from all MECP geometries iterations will be reported in the output
  • all_results (bool) – use this option to copy all subdirectories containing results from intermediate Jaguar force, etc. calculations back to the launch host
  • properties (bool) – whether to calculate properties of the MECP or not
  • base_name (str) – a base name used to name the job and its related files
  • tpp (int) – the number of threads to use for any intermediate Jaguar calculations, i.e. -TPP (threads-per-process)
  • nresources (int) – the number of resources to use for Jaguar calculations, i.e. the number of threads * the number of processors
  • verbose (bool) – specifies verbose logging
  • logger (logging.Logger or None) – output logger or None if there isn’t one

Set the SCF ground state.


Set the Jaguar kwargs.


Check input.


Set the parallelization options.


Set up the Maestro output writer.


Tear down the Maestro output writer and then raise an exception if there is one.

Parameters:exception (Exception or None) – the exception to raise after tear down or None if there isn’t one

Log the parameters.


Do the geometry optimizations for the individual states and record their data.


Return the guess geometry.

Return type:numpy.array
Returns:the guess geometry (N X 1)

Post process the optimization.

Parameters:energy_and_gradients (EnergyAndGradients) – the instance passed to the optimizer

Return a BFGS object.

Parameters:x_0 (numpy.array) – the guess geometry (N X 1)
Return type:BFGS
Returns:the object to manage the BFGS optimization

Return a EnergyAndGradients object.

Parameters:bfgs_obj (BFGS) – the object to manage the BFGS optimization
Return type:EnergyAndGradients
Returns:the object to manage the energy and gradient calls for the BFGS optimization

Return the kwargs for the optimization.

Parameters:bfgs_obj (BFGS) – the object to manage the BFGS optimization
Return type:dict
Returns:the parameters for the optimization

Optimize the geometry to the MECP.


Incorporate output Maestro files.


Main function to find the MECP.


Convert vector to matrix.

Parameters:vector (numpy.array) – N X 1 array
Return type:numpy.array
Returns:N/3 X 3 array

Convert matrix to vector.

Parameters:matrix (numpy.array) – N/3 X 3 array
Return type:numpy.array
Returns:N X 1 array

Return the max, RMS, and length of the given matrix.

Parameters:matrix (numpy.array) – the matrix
Return type:float, float, float
Returns:the max, RMS, and length of the given matrix
schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.log_vector(vector, header=None, log_sums=False, logger=None)

Log or print the given vector in a natoms X 3 format.

  • vector (numpy.array) – the vector to log (N X 1)
  • header (str or None) – a header or None if there isn’t one
  • log_sums (bool) – whether to log the sums of x, y, and z over atoms
  • logger (logging.Logger or None) – output logger or None if there isn’t one
schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.log_geometry(geometry, header='Geometry / Ang.', logger=None)

Log or print the geometry in a natoms X 3 format.

  • geometry (numpy.array) – the geometry to log (N X 1)
  • header (str) – a header
  • logger (logging.Logger or None) – output logger or None if there isn’t one
schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.log_displacements(displacements, max_displacement, rms_displacement, len_displacement, header='Displacements / Ang.', logger=None)

Log or print the displacements in a natoms X 3 format.

  • displacements (numpy.array) – the displacements to log (N X 1)
  • max_displacement (float) – the magnitude of the largest displacements element
  • rms_displacement (float) – the RMS of displacements
  • len_displacement (float) – the length of displacements
  • header (str) – a header
  • logger (logging.Logger or None) – output logger or None if there isn’t one
schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.log_energy_and_forces(energy, forces, max_force, rms_force, len_force, energy_header='Energy / Hartree', forces_header='Forces / Hartree/Ang.', logger=None)

Log or print the energy and forces in a natoms X 3 format.

  • energy (float or None) – the energy or None if there isn’t one
  • forces (numpy.array) – the forces to log (N X 1)
  • max_force (float) – the magnitude of the largest forces element
  • rms_force (float) – the RMS of forces
  • len_force (float) – the length of forces
  • energy_header (str) – an energy header
  • forces_header (str) – a forces header
  • logger (logging.Logger or None) – output logger or None if there isn’t one

Return the given array converted from units of reciprocal Bohr to reciprocal Angstrom.

Parameters:array (numpy.array) – the array to convert
Return type:numpy.array
Returns:the converted array

Return the given energy converted from eV to Hartree.

Return type:float
Returns:energy in Hartree

Return the given energy converted from Hartree to kcal/mol.

Parameters:in_hartree (float) – energy in Hartree
Return type:float
Returns:energy in kcal/mol
schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.set_properties_and_write_structure(astructure, properties, writer)

Set the given properties on the structure and write it using the given writer.

schrodinger.application.matsci.mecp_mod.get_angle_in_degrees(vec_1, vec_2)

Return the angle in units of degrees between the given two vectors.

  • vec_1 (numpy.array) – the first vector
  • vec_2 (numpy.array) – the second vector
Return type:



the angle in degrees