schrodinger.forcefield.common module

OPLS context managers.

Copyright Schrodinger LLC, All Rights Reserved.

exception schrodinger.forcefield.common.AtomTypingFailure(msg='')

Bases: schrodinger.infra.mmcheck.MmException


Initialize with the wrapped function, arguments used, and the return code.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.


A context manager for loading the mmffld environment.

schrodinger.forcefield.common.opls_force_field(version=16, bend_conj_amines=False, no_cm1a_bcc=False, charges_from_ct=False, source=0)

A context manager for creating a force field handle.

  • version (OPLSVersion) – OPLS version number
  • bend_conj_amines (bool) – bend conjungated amine
  • no_cm1a_bcc (bool) – don’t use cm1a_bcc for OPLS version 16
  • charges_from_ct (bool) – obtain charges from ct
  • source – enum to decide if default ffld loading, or from install only


schrodinger.forcefield.common.get_tmp_oplsdir_user(datafile_dict, version=16)

Context manager which gets path to newly created temporary oplsdir, filled with user-specified ffld datafiles + any datafiles implied if OPLS_DIR env vbl is specified.

  • datafile_dict (dict) – dictionary of user-specified ffld datafiles, where each key is an official ffld version file basename, and its value is a path to the corresponding datafile (which doesn’t have to use the official ffld version file basename)
  • version (OPLSVersion) – OPLS version number
schrodinger.forcefield.common.opls_force_field_user(datafile_dict, version=16, **kwargs)

Context manager to create a force field handle, instantiated with user-specified ffld datafiles + any datafiles implied if OPLS_DIR env vbl is specified.

  • datafile_dict (dict) – dictionary of user-specified ffld datafiles, where each key is an official ffld version file basename, and its value is a path to the corresponding datafile (which doesn’t have to use the official ffld version file basename)
  • version (OPLSVersion) – OPLS version number
schrodinger.forcefield.common.opls_force_field_from_mmshare(*args, **kwargs)
schrodinger.forcefield.common.assign_force_field(mmffld_handle, st)

A context manager to runs typing by loading the structure into mmffld. Note: If cm1a is turned on, enterMol calculates charges which is a fairly lengthy operation.

  • handle (MMFfldHandle or int) – mmffld handle
  • st (structure.Structure) – structure to assign atom types

AtomTypingFailure – if mmffld_enterMol() fails

schrodinger.forcefield.common.generate_partial_charges(st, version=16)

Generates partial charges for a given structure. Results will be stored in the PARTIAL_CHARGE_PROP atom-level property.

Parameters:st (structure.Structure) – Structure for which partial charges are generated.