schrodinger.models.paramtools module

schrodinger.models.paramtools.map_subparams(map_func, compound_param, subparam_type)

Find all subparams of type subparam_type in compound_param and apply map_func to it. The compound_param will be modified in place.

An example:

class Model(parameters.CompoundParam):
    workflow_runtimes: List[float]
    total_idle_time: float
    min_max_runtimes: Tuple[float, float] = None

model = Model(workflow_runtimes = [60, 120, 180],
def seconds_to_minutes(seconds):
    return seconds/60
map_subparams(seconds_to_minutes, model, subparam_type=float)
model.workflow_runtimes # [1, 2, 3]
model.total_idle_time # 1.5
model.min_max_runtimes # (1, 3)