schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils module

Utility functions and classes for MatSci workflows.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.remove_properties(struct, props=None, matches=None, atom_props=None, atom_matches=None)

Remove all the matching structure and atom properties. No error is thrown if the given properties do not actually exist on the structure.

  • props (list) – A list of structure properties to delete
  • matches (list) – Remove all structure properties whose name contains any of these strings
  • atom_props (list) – A list of atom properties to delete
  • atom_matches (list) – Remove all atom properties whose name contains any of these strings
schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.remove_atom_property(struct, prop)

Delete atom property from all atoms in a structure (structure will be modified).

  • struct (structure.Structure) – Structure object to be modified
  • prop (str) – Atom property to be removed
schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.has_atom_property(struct, prop)

Check if structure has any atom with the property set.

  • structure.Structure – Input structure
  • str – Property name
  • KeyError – If property name doesn’t start with: s_, r_, i_, b_
  • mm.MmException – If unexpected error occurred
Return bool:

True of property is present, False otherwise


Round away from zero (to +/-infinity).

Parameters:inp (float or numpy.array) – value to be rounded
Return type:float or numpy.array
Returns:Rounded value

Convert binary string (or other data) to str.

Parameters:ret (binary_type or any other type convertable to str) – Value to be converted to str
Return type:str
Returns:Value converted to str
schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.sig_fig_round(value, significant_figure=5)
  • value (float) – change the significant figures of this value
  • significant_figure (int) – significant figure of the displayed value
Return type:



str representation of a number with proper significant figures


Get significant digits of a number

Parameters:number (float or int or str) – number to find significant digits
Return type:int
Returns:number of significant digits
schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.set_significant_figures(number, sig_fig)

Set significant digits of a number

  • number (float or int) – number to set significant digits
  • sig_fig (int) – number of significant digits
Return type:



number with desired significant digits

schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.get_project_group_hierarchy(st=None, row=None)

Return the project group hierarchy for the given structure or row.


ValueError – if there is an issue

Return type:



the hierarchy (outermost to innermost)

schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.set_project_group_hierarchy(st, hierarchy, collapsed=False)

Set the project group hierarchy for the given structure.

  • st (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure
  • hierarchy (list) – the hierarchy (outermost to innermost)
  • collapsed (bool) – Whether the group should initially be collapsed

Get the absolute path to the user’s local MatSci data directory for storing custom templates, protocols, etc. Directory is created if it doesn’t exist.

Return type:str
Returns:The absolute path the Materials Science data parent directory
schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.structure_reader(filename, log=None)

Read structures from a file until the end or the first structure with an error.

  • filename (str) – filename
  • log (function) – Log function, if None, nothing is called
Yield schrodinger.structure.Structure:

Next structure in the file


Return True if the given atom is a dummy atom.

Parameters:atom (schrodinger.structure._StructureAtom) – the atom
Return type:bool
Returns:return True if the given atom is a dummy atom
schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.add_or_update_bond_order(ct, atom1, atom2, bond_order)

Create a new bond, or update the existing bond order of this bond.

Return type:schrodinger.structure._Bond
schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.add_or_update_bond_type(ct, atom1, atom2, bond_type)

Create a new bond, or update the existing bond type of this bond.

Return type:schrodinger.structure._Bond
schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.polyfit(xdata, ydata, degree)

Fit a polynomial of rang degree to data.

  • xdata (numpy.array) – X data
  • ydata (numpy.array) – Y data
  • degree (int) – Degree of the fitting polynomial
Return type:

numpy.array, float


Fitting coefficients, coefficient of determination (R^2)

schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.trim_str(text, max_len, suffix='...')

Trim the string to approximately max_len. Add a suffix if the string is longer than max_len.

  • text – String to trim
  • max_len (int) – Max length of the string
  • suffix (str) – Suffix to add if the string is to be trimmed
Return str:

Trimmed string


Context manager that initializes mm and returns mm.mmlews_apply method.

Yield:mm.mmlewis_apply method.

Example usage:

with msutils.mmlewis_apply() as lewis_apply:
assert lewis_apply(struct) is None

Get atoms that have s_cif_disorder_group set and occupancies are not 0 or 1.

Parameters:structure.Structure – Input structure
Return type:dict or None
Returns:Dict with keys disorder group labels, values list of atom indices or None if nothing is present in the structure

Get FFIO atom velocities.

Parameters:atom (structure._StructureAtom) – Input atom
Return numpy.array:
 Array of velocities
schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.set_atom_ffio_velocity(atom, velocity)

Set FFIO atom velocities.

schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.get_unique_name(new_name, existing_names)

Add a suffix to new_name to make a unique name if it already exists in existing_names.

  • new_name (str) – The new name
  • existing_names (list) – Existing names
Return type:



The unique version of new_name

schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.setting_to_bool(string, empty_is_false=True)

Convert a yes/no/true/false/1/0/on/off type string to a Python boolean

  • string (str) – The string to convert
  • empty_is_false – If the string is empty or None, return False
Return type:



True if the string is a “true”-y word (TRUE, true, t, yes, on, 1, etc), False if it is a “false”-y word (FALSE, false, f, no, off, 0).

  • ValueError – If the string cannot be interpreted in a True/False manner
  • AttributeError – If something other than a string is passed in
schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.get_ordered_polymer_backbone(struct, backbone_path, remove_side_chain)

Backbone of a polymer chain should follow H–TH–TH–T format, where backbone starts with head and ends with tail.

  • struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure to find backbone atoms in.
  • backbone_path (list) – list of atom indexes in the backbone
  • remove_side_chain (bool) – If true it will remove the side chain atoms from the backbone in the start and end.
Return list:

list of atom indexes in the backbone such that first atom is always a head.


Return dictionary of backbone atoms for each molecule in the structure.

Parameters:struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure to find backbone atoms in.
Return dict(list):
 the key of the dictionary is molecule number and the value is the list of backbone atoms
schrodinger.application.matsci.msutils.flatten(alist, afunc=None)

Flatten the given list into a set.

  • alist (list) – elements contain iterable data
  • afunc (function or None) – function used to extract iterable data from the given list elements or None if there isn’t one
Return type:



a flattened set of data from the given list