schrodinger.test.log_parser module

Parse pytest log files to help track down parallel test failures. All log files must have been generated using subprocess tests (i.e. “-n <NUMBER>” or “-n auto”) and the “-v” flag. Running this script from the command line will output statistics about the failures as well as a recipe to reproduce a worker process failure.

Usage: <log file 1> [<log file 2>…]

Note: To automatically run the Python unit tests 10 times in a row and generate logs that are approrpiate for input into this script, you can run

mkdir ../test_logs
for i in {1..10}; do
    make unittest TEST_ARGS="-n=auto -v" 2>&1 | tee ../test_logs/${i}.txt;

from $SCHRODINGER/mmshare-v*/python/test. This will put the test logs into a new $SCHRODINGER/mmshare-v*/python/test_logs directory.


Parse the specified pytest log file. The log file must have been generated using subprocess tests (i.e. “-n <NUMBER>” or “-n auto”) and the “-v” flag. This method reports which tests were run on each worker process, the number of failed tests per worker process, and the index of the first failed test.


logfile (str) – The path of the log file to parse

Return type

tuple(list(list(str)), list(int or None), int)

Return value is a tuple of:

  • A list of list of tests run on each worker process, formatted as [list of tests run on worker process 0, list of tests run on worker process 1, …]

  • A list of the first failed test index on each worker process, or None if no tests failed on that worker.

  • The number of worker processes with failed tests.


Parse multiple pytest log files. All log files must have been generated using subprocess tests (i.e. “-n <NUMBER>” or “-n auto”) and the “-v” flag.


logfiles (list(str)) – A list of log file paths

Return type

tuple(int, int, int, int, int, list(str) or None)

The return value is a tuple of

  • The total number of pytest runs processed

  • The number of failed runs

  • The total number of worker processes over all runs

  • The total number of worker processes with a test failure over all runs

  • The maximum number of worker processes with a test failure in a single test run

  • All tests run on a single worker process up to and including the first failed test. If multiple worker processes contained a failed test, then the shortest recipe is provided. If no worker processes contained a failed test, will be None.


Parse all log files provided on the command line. Print out statistics about the failures and a recipe to reproduce the shortest failure.