schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder module

schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.write_asl_file(basename, asl)

Determine all covalently connected components of st (i.e. unbroken chain segments).

Returns:A tuple of: - A list of list of residue names (str). Each list of residue names
represents a single covalently connected component.
schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.calc_agg_scores(patches, res_lists)

Calculate Aggregation propensity scores for each residue.

  • patches (list of Patch objects) – List of patches from which to read the residues.
  • res_lists (list of lists of str) – Each list of residues represents a single covalently connected component/sequence. Each residue is in format “A:123i”.

Calculate the area of a triangle defined by three vertices

Parameters:coords (list) – A list of (x, y, z) coordinates for each vertex of the triangle, where each coordinate is a numpy array.
Returns:The area of the specified triangle
Return type:float
Note:The formula used here is taken from
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.Patch(vertices, patch_type, vertex_coords, all_smoothed, neighboring_triangles, neighboring_vertices, nearest_atom_indices, patch_color)

Bases: object

Data about a single patch.

RES_TYPES = {'Arginine': 'ARG', 'Cysteine': 'CYS', 'Tryptophan': 'TRP', 'Tyrosine': 'TYR'}

Generate a list describing the details of this patch

Returns:A list of details for the patch, where each detail is a list of [group, category, patch details for that category]
Return type:list
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.ResInfo(res, zyggregator=None, aggrescan=None, aggscore=0.0)

Bases: object

Data about a single residue. Includes aggregation, surface area, and reactive residue grouping data.


The full residue name, formatted similar to A:TYR100.


Return a string ID for this residue, e.g. “A:2b” - same format as structure._Residue.___str__() return value.


Return the ASL for finding this residue by chain/resnum/inscode.


alias of schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.ResInfo

class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.ResPatchData(patch, res_info, contribution)

Bases: object

This class represents a residue’s contribution to a patch.


Return the ASL for finding this patch’s residue by chain/resnum/inscode.

class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.ProteinProperties(struc, asa_by_atom)

Bases: object

Calculates protein properties for display on the Properties tab

Variables:KYTE_DOOLITTLE_SCALE (dict) – A hydrophobicity scale taken from A simple method for displaying the hydropathic character of a protein. J. Kyte, R.F. Doolittle, J Mol Biol. 1982 May 5;157(1):105-32.
KYTE_DOOLITTLE_SCALE = {'ALA': 1.8, 'ARG': -4.5, 'ASN': -3.5, 'ASP': -3.5, 'CYS': 2.5, 'GLN': -3.5, 'GLU': -3.5, 'GLY': -0.4, 'HID': -3.2, 'HIE': -3.2, 'HIP': -3.2, 'HIS': -3.2, 'ILE': 4.5, 'LEU': 3.8, 'LYS': -3.9, 'MET': 1.9, 'PHE': 2.8, 'PRO': -1.6, 'SER': -0.8, 'THR': -0.7, 'TRP': -0.9, 'TYR': -1.3, 'VAL': 4.2}
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.PatchAnalysis(st, surf, asl, clogp_smoothed, partial_charge_smoothed, neighboring_vertices, neighboring_triangles, res_data_by_vertex, prot_properties)

Bases: object

Object representing a pre-analysis instance, which is saved by the backend and loaded into the GUI. It is also saved/restored when panel state is saved and restored.

classmethod read(basename)

Read the PreAnalyzer data from the specified basename and use it to create a PatchFinder object.

Parameters:basename (str) – The basename for the PreAnalyzer output files
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.PreAnalyzer(struc, asl)

Bases: object

Perform patch finding calculations that only need to be done once per structure. This class is intended to be run under job control.

classmethod readAndRun(basename)

Read a structure and ASL from the specified files and run the analysis.

Parameters:basename (str) – The full path to the file to analyzes except the “.maegz” and “.txt” extensions
Returns:The completed pre-analysis
Return type:PreAnalyzer

Perform the pre-analysis. The results will be stored in instance attributes and can be written to a pickle file using write.


Write out the surface and all calculated values

Parameters:basename (str) – The filename to write the output to. The surface will be written to basename.vis and the calculated values will be written to basename.pkl.
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.PatchFinder(analysis)

Bases: object

Find surface patches using the output of PreAnalyzer. This object is intended to run in a separate thread and therefore must not use mmlibs after initialization.

classmethod read(basename)

Read the PreAnalyzer data from the specified basename and use it to create a PatchFinder object.

Parameters:basename (str) – The basename for the PreAnalyzer output files

Calculate patches and residue aggregation data using the specified settings. # NOTE: This method runs from within a thread, so it should not access # any mmlibs code.

Parameters:settings (settings.PatchSettings) – The settings to use for the patch calculations
Returns:A tuple of: - the calculated patches as a list of Patch objects - the residue aggregation data as a list of {ResidueAggData} objects
Return type:tuple
getColorsForPatchVertices(patch, psettings)

Return colors for all vertices of the given patch.

Parameters:patch (patch_finder.Patch) – Patch to get colors for.
Returns:Colors for each vertex of the patch
Return type:list of (float, float, float)
colorSurfByPatches(surf, patches, psettings)
class schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.PatchFinderRunner(finder, settings)

Bases: PyQt5.QtCore.QObject

An object used to run the PatchFinder analysis in a separate thread.

Variables:patchesFound (QtCore.pyqtSignal) – A signal emitted when the PatchFinder analysis completes. Emits all return values of PatchFinder.calculate.

Run the PatchFinder analysis and emit patchesFound when complete.

schrodinger.application.bioluminate.patch_utils.patch_finder.launch_pre_analysis(struc, asl)

Launch a pre-analysis job under job control. This method will return as soon as the job has been launched.


A tuple of: - A job object for the running job (schrodinger.job.jobcontrol.Job) - The basename for the job output (str) - The job directory (str) - The job log file (str)

Return type:
