schrodinger.application.matsci.nano.particle module

Classes and functions to create nanoparticles.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


Get the properties which are required for defining a crystal structure

Return type:list of str
Returns:Each item in the list is a structure property that is required to be present if a crystal structure is defined
schrodinger.application.matsci.nano.particle.check_if_lattice_properties_exist(struct, keys=None)

Check if the structure has all the required crystal lattice properties

  • struct (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – The structure to check
  • keys (list) – The list of crystal properties to check. If not given, the default set of crystal properties from get_lattice_properties will be checked
Return type:



If all the requested properties are present on the structure


Return a formatted collection of shapes and alignment axis IDs.

Parameters:num_unique (str) – the shape attr to format
Return type:str
Returns:the formatted string
class schrodinger.application.matsci.nano.particle.ParserWrapper(scriptname, description)

Bases: object

Manages the argparse module to parse user command line arguments.


Load ParserWrapper with options.


Parse the command line arguments.

Parameters:args (tuple) – command line arguments
class schrodinger.application.matsci.nano.particle.CheckInput

Bases: object

Manage checking user input.

checkShapeParams(shape, params, logger=None)

Check the specified shape and shape parameters.

  • shape (str) – the shape of nanoparticle
  • params (list) – contains floats specifying the shapes geometry
  • logger (logging.Logger) – output logger
checkAlignment(shape, primary_alignment, secondary_alignment, logger=None)

Check the specified alignment.

  • shape (str) – the shape of nanoparticle
  • primary_alignment (dict) – dictionary defining the primary alignment
  • secondary_alignment (dict) – dictionary defining the secondary alignment
  • logger (logging.Logger) – output logger
Return type:

dict, dict


the final primary and secondary alignment dictionaries


Take a tuple of two-element subtuples and group them by both key and value and collect into subsubtuples. For example, take ((1, 2), (1, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7), (8, 7)) and return (((1), (2, 3)), ((4), (5)), ((6, 8), (7))).

Parameters:atuple (tuple) – contains two-element tuples
Return type:tuple
Returns:contains two-element tuples each of which contains a keys tuple and a values tuple
class schrodinger.application.matsci.nano.particle.Nanoparticle(supercell, shape='cube', origin=None, params=None, overwrite_vertices=[], primary_alignment_dict={'axis': '1', 'basis': 'hkl', 'vector': '1.0 0.0 0.0'}, secondary_alignment_dict={'axis': '1', 'basis': 'abc', 'vector': '0.0 1.0 0.0'}, include_axes=False, term_frag='hydrogen', term_bond_length=1.5, allow_fragments=False, logger=None, no_term_faces=None)

Bases: object

Manage the building of a nanoparticle.


Check user input.


Set whether or not molecules should be completed at the nanoparticle boundary.


Return whether or not the given atom is inside the shape. If the given atom has not yet been categorized then categorize it and append the result to the collections.

Parameters:aatom (schrodinger.structure._StructureAtom) – the atom in question
Return type:bool
Returns:True if the atom is inside the shape, False otherwise
checkIntersectingBond(atom1, atom2)

Check if the bond given by the specified atoms can be intersected by the shape of nanoparticle. We will only be either keeping a single atom from this bond (no termination) or using it to terminate with a fragment that is expected to connect via a single bond.

  • atom1 (int) – the first atom index of the bond
  • atom2 (int) – the second atom index of the bond

Return three non-overlapping lists of atom indices, (1) for atoms inside the shape, (2) for atoms belonging to bonds which intersect the shape boundary (a (inside, outside) tuple of atom indices for the intersecting bonds), and (3) for atoms that lie outside of shape.

removeAndRenumber(to_remove=None, renumber_map=None)

Remove the specified atoms from the nanoparticle and renumber all collections of indices or just renumber the collections using the specified renumber map.

  • to_remove (list or none) – indices of atoms to remove
  • renumber_map (dict or none) – a renumber map to use in renumbering collections

Remove the unneeded atoms from the crystalline supercell.

handleOneToMany(inside_index, outside_indices)

Handle the one to many situation, i.e. a single atom inside the region of interest bonded to multiple atoms outside of the region of interest.

  • inside_index (int) – the index of the inside atom
  • outside_indices (list) – the indices of the outside atoms
handleManyToOne(inside_indices, outside_index)

Handle the many to one situation, i.e. multiple atoms inside the region of interest are bonded to a single atom that is outside of the region of interest.

  • inside_indices (list) – the indices of the inside atoms
  • outside_index (int) – the index of the outside atom
Return type:



contains (inside, outside) tuples of newly created bonds


Configure the nanoparticle bonds that intersect the shape.


Terminate the nanoparticle.


Set nanoparticle properties.


Log the parameters.


Return the alignment vector.

Parameters:alignment_dict (dict) – defines the alignment
Return type:numpy.array
Returns:the vector on which to align

Translate the shape object so that the reference face is coplanar with the requested crystal plane.


Overwrite the vertices of the shape object.


Create the nanoparticle.

Parameters:template_only (bool) – If True, the method will return immediately after the template is created and before the nanoparticle has been fully synthesized. Using this parameter means that the .template structure is valid but no .nanoparticle structure is created - the .nanoparticle property will be set to None.
schrodinger.application.matsci.nano.particle.build_kwargs(kwargs_list, defaults, acceptable_keys=None, token_separator=', ', key_value_separator='=', all_choices=None)

Build the kwargs dictionary from an unformatted and unvalidated list of kwargs.

  • kwargs_list (list) – list of strings that contain kwargs in one form or another
  • defaults (dict) – default kwargs to be updated
  • acceptable_keys (list) – list of acceptable keys
  • token_separator (str) – the separator used for tokens
  • key_value_separator (str) – the separator used in key-value pairs
  • all_choices (dict) – if the values of certain keys are limited then collect those options here in lists for validation purposes
Return type:



dictionary of kwargs, formatted, validated, and contains unspecified defaults


Set the representation of the given structure.

Parameters:astructure (schrodinger.structure.Structure) – the structure to set the representation for