schrodinger.application.matsci.qexsd.qespresso.xsdtypes.xmlschema module

This module contains XMLSchema class for xsdtypes package

class schrodinger.application.matsci.qexsd.qespresso.xsdtypes.xmlschema.XMLSchema(xsd_file)

Bases: object

Class to wrap an XML Schema for types lookups.

XML_SCHEMA_NAMESPACES = {'xs': '', 'xsd': '', 'xsi': ''}
namespaces = None

Namespaces used by XSD file

types = None

Map XSD global types to XSDType instance

attributes = None

Map XSD global attributes to XSDType instance

attribute_groups = None

Group XSD attributes definitions

elements = None

Map XSD global elements to XSDType instance

groups = None

Group XSD elements definitions

target_namespace = None

Target namespace URI

target_prefix = None

Namespace prefix for declarations


Return the XSD type instance corresponding to the argument.

Parameters:type_name – Name of the type. Types in the schema’s

namespace have to be provided with namespace URI or prefix. Unqualified names are interpreted as typed of xsd/xs namespace. :return: XSDType or XSDSimpleType instance


Return the XSD type instance of the element.

Parameters:element_path – The absolute path to the element. Schema’s

namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType, XSDSimpleType or XSDComplexType instance


Return the XSD type instance of the element.

Parameters:element_path – The absolute path to the element. Schema’s

namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType, XSDSimpleType or XSDComplexType instance

get_attribute_type(attribute_name, element_path)

Return the XSD type instance of the attribute.

Parameters:attribute_name – The name of the attribute. Schema’s

namespace prefix or URI is stripped from the name. :param element_path: The absolute path to the element. Schema’s namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType or XSDSimpleType instance


Return the default of the element.

Parameters:element_path – The absolute path to the element. Schema’s

namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType, XSDSimpleType or XSDComplexType instance

get_attribute_default(attribute_name, element_path)

Return the XSD type instance of the attribute.

Parameters:attribute_name – The name of the attribute. Schema’s

namespace prefix or URI is stripped from the name. :param element_path: The absolute path to the element. Schema’s namespace prefixes or URIs are stripped from the path. :return: XSDType or XSDSimpleType instance

find(path, namespaces=None)

Find first matching element by tag name or path.

  • path – is a string having either an element tag or an XPath,
  • namespaces – is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to full name.

the first matching element, or None if no element was found

findall(path, namespaces=None)

Find all matching subelements by tag name or path.

  • path – is a string having either an element tag or an XPath,
  • namespaces – is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to full name.

the first matching element, or None if no element was found


Return root element of the XML schema tree.


Checks if an element instance appears to be a valid element object. :param elem:


Create and return an iterator that loops over all elements in this tree, in document order.

Parameters:tag – is a string with the tag name to iterate over

(default is to return all elements).


Validate the configuration with XSD and with optional parameter dependencies. :param xml_config: